Here are your picks for this week:
Something to think about
Do you have your own, favourite interview question? I sure do! Well, First Round collated the best questions from a range of pretty knowledgeable folks, and it’s worth a read.
Now, I don’t really believe in magical questions being the key to successful hiring (and reckon it’s more about the overall process and people involved - see How Google Works and Work Rules!). But everyone should have good questions in their toolbox, so that list is useful to find gaps in your arsenal!
Process makes perfect
Moving away from an endless spreadsheet of feature ideas is an important milestone for any startup. It is key to stopping the tiresome, unscalable naggling of prioritisation meetings. So how do you do this? John Cutler boils it down to understanding your key themes, and identifying your North Star metric.
It’s all about People
Microwaves, phones, computers - all complex machines come with a user manual, so why not people? Started in the area of technical management, that idea is expanded on in the latest Pinkcast:

All it takes is for you to share your answers to the following questions:
What gives you energy / drains you
How to best communicate with you
What are your pet peeves
What people misunderstand about you
Great for your own introspection and to improve communication!
I hope you enjoyed this. Have a great week
The 5-Minute Startup CTO: every Sunday, 3 top insights in 5 minutes for startup CTOs and Tech Leads.
Hand-picked by Fabrice, a UK-based consulting CTO. Let me know if you need help with your startup!