Here are your picks for this week:
🔄 Process makes perfect
Product development is much more than writing code, and it’s typically what happens before, and after, code is written which goes wrong. So, how to better define product development tasks, and how to review their success?
Laura Klein goes through a clear and effective framework for this, including framing product ideas with a clear goal and metrics and reviewing success post-launch. Which echoes strongly the Product Canvas of Roman Pichler. Great stuff.
⌨️ If it ain’t code, don’t fix it
Software Architecture is overrated, and more importantly (IMHO) clear and simple design is underrated. Really good article driving home the point of making a discussion of tradeoffs and alternatives the best practice for coming up with a design. And keeping things simple, which is (bar none) my favorite angle on pretty much everything.
👩 It’s all about people
Another great tip from Dan Pink: to feel better about your work, take a minute every evening to write down your progress! Simples
I hope you enjoyed this. Have a great week!
The 5-Minute Startup CTO: every Sunday, 3 top insights in 5 minutes for startup CTOs and Tech Leads. Subscribe for free below, and share! 🙏
Hand-picked by Fabrice, a UK-based consulting CTO. Let me know if you need help with your startup!