Here are your picks for this week:
🥫All roads lead to the Product
First a very interesting blog from Josh Devenny on starting (and shutting down) a startup at Atlassian.
Increasingly often do we see larger companies take the startup-within-a-startup approach to innovation and diversification - typically with mixed results. Interesting lessons learnt in there, some of which don’t apply only to this specific context.

⌨️ If it ain’t code, don’t fix it
Second, a neat 14-point checklist for your AWS architecture. Now’s as good a time as any to perform this kind of quick review and look for areas to work on.

💡 Idea of the week
Finally, as we are going through uncertain times, we look for reference points and advice on what to do. So here are the results from a survey of VCs and Founders on how they see the crisis and what they are doing about it, as well as some advice from VC firms.

Also, a database of Covid19-related projects hoping to make a difference and looking for volunteers.
I hope you enjoyed this, have a good week and stay safe!
The 5-Minute Startup CTO: every Sunday, 3 top insights in 5 minutes for startup CTOs and Tech Leads. Subscribe for free below, and share! 🙏
Hand-picked by Fabrice, a UK-based consulting CTO. Let me know if you need help with your startup!